All major indices have closed out the month of October 2021 at never seen before record highs with the NASDAQ Composite leading the way having advanced 355.47 points or 2.35% for the week to 15,498.39. In other news the DJIA was up 126.94 points or 0.36% for the week to close the 29th day of October of 2021 at yet another record of 35,819.56. As important as this was the S&P 500 crossed the 4,600.00 threshold for the first time to close out the month of October of 2021 at 4,605.38 which was yet another record close up 51.69 points for the week or 1.14%. It was the NASDAQ Composite that was somewhat of a surprise as earnings reported this week by technology companies were not favorable and were slightly disappointing to investors however nothing could hold the rebound from occuring and the NASDAQ Composite from reaching yet another record close on this the 29th day of October of the year 2021.
All major indices have closed out the month of...
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